Our team consists of flexible and creative people who carry out the tasks entrusted to them with commitment and passion.
We are a young, dynamically developing company. Our team consists of flexible and creative people who carry out the tasks entrusted to them with commitment and passion.
Operating in the Internet services and technologies sector, we provide effective and competitive solutions in the field of e-consulting, e-marketing and e-business.
We offer our clients a wide range of services, ranging from analysis and consulting, through audits, intranet, to promotional activities and hosting services.
Our goal is to help the client recognize and effectively use the online tools available on the market.
* as experts, we share our knowledge and constantly acquired experience
* we design and introduce new solutions
* we achieve the set goals
The principles we follow:
We treat our clients as equal partners, and their satisfaction is the goal of our efforts. Our qualified employees provide advice and assistance in every situation.
We strive to establish lasting business relationships with our clients. We always remember them when implementing new solutions and ideas.
Our motto in contacts with clients is reliability and reliability. We know that only sincere and lawful conduct will ensure our long-term development.
The image of the FollowUp company was created based on the quality of the services provided. Each project is carried out with incredible attention to detail.

Tailoring the offer to the individual needs of the client based on changing market requirements is just one of the many ways we cooperate with the contractor.
At every stage of the project implementation, we make every effort to meet the client’s expectations.
The first step is to learn about the client’s expectations – our employee conducts a briefing to obtain as much information as possible
The next point is to analyze the data and propose specific solutions.
At this stage, after accepting the joint action plan, we move to the production phase. However, here too, the client has constant insight into the work being performed.
The implementation of the project does not end our cooperation with clients. We remain in constant contact, offering advice and assistance.
Company headquarters:
ul. Inżynierska 5
20-484 Lublin
tel. 81 470 72 83
[email protected]
Company branch:
Kielnarowa 108B
36-020 Tyczyn
tel. 17 779 64 13
[email protected]

Firma FollowUp Sp. z o.o. uzyskała Subwencję Finansowa 2,0, jako pomoc rekompensującą negatywne konsekwencje ekonomiczne związane z COVID-19 zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 4 lipca 2019 r. o systemie instytucji rozwoju art. 21a ust. 1. Podmiot udzielający wsparcia: Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, przy ul. Kruczej 50, 00-025 Warszawa, zarejestrowany w rejestrze przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonym przez Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy w Warszawie, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 0000466256, NIP 7010374912, REGON 146615458